ITACA (Interface for Training Against Cognitive Ageing) is an easy-to-use tool to design and carry out Neurofeedback experiments. It has a ready-to-use signal-processing pipelines, avoiding the need for programming further elements. Its three different game-based training scenarios, each with different objectives, allow for the design of progressive Neurofeedback training protocols. In addition, ITACA offers five different metrics for real-time brain activity analysis. Check out all its multiples options presented in its documentation and enjoy!
This app implements a novel framework for the design and conduct of Neurofeedback training studies. It has been designed to be a versatile tool that overcomes the limitations of current open source Neurofeedback platforms. In this sense, its multiple Neurofeedback training mode options, as well as its different training scenarios, make it possible to design and perform different Neurofeedback training protocols without the need for programming new components.
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a method to self-regulate one’s own brain activity to directly alter the underlying neural mechanisms of cognition and behavior [1]. To this end, a closed-loop BCI system analyzes the user's brain activity in real-time and provides continuous feedback. Through operant conditioning, users are expected to find neurocognitive strategies that allow them to achieve the desired brain activity. Continued use of Neurofeedback can induce reinforcement between certain neuronal connections, thanks to Hebbian plasticity mechanisms. For this reason, Neurofeedback has been proposed as a promising technique with three possible applications [1]:
As a therapeutic tool to normalize patients’ deviating brain activity in order to influence symptoms (e.g., motor learning in post-stroke recovery or in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or epilepsy).
As so-called peak-performance training to enhance cognitive performance in healthy participants.
As an experimental method to investigate the causal role of specific neural events (such as brain oscillations) for cognition and behavior which is known as brain-state dependent stimulation.
What is included in ITACA?
The main features of ITACA are its multiple Neurofeedback training modes and its three game-based training scenarios. However, it is also worth highlighting some useful elements present in ITACA:
A graphical interface for quick selection of the channels used during training for the calculation of the feedback signal.
A system for the rejection of temporal segments that may have ocular or muscular artefacts.
The possibility to load EEG signal record files for the calculation of the baseline value during training.
The following is an in-depth description of the main novelties ITACA brings to the table.
Neurofeedback training modes
ITACA implements five different training modes for real-time analysis of user's brain activity. Two of the available modes are metrics based on signal power (power of one frequency band and ratio between the power of two frequency bands). On the other hand, the other three training modes are based on functional connectivity analysis of the brain signal. Specifically, these are "Global coupling" (i.e., the average value of the weighted adjacency matrix) [2], "Node strength" (i.e., the sum of all the weights of the weighted adjacency matrix of a given node) [3], and "Node coupling" (i.e., the weights of the adjacency matrix between two or more nodes) [3]. These metrics can becalculated from the weighted adjacency matrix obtained from the weighted phase lag index (WPLI)[4] or the orthogonalized amplitude envelope correlation (AEC-ort) [5]. These techniques for analysing the connectivity between signals have been shown to be robust to the influence of volume conduction effects.
This variety of metrics allows the use of Neurofeedback based on both local training methodologies and those that take into account the relationship between different brain regions. The signal processing pipelines have been designed for optimal real-time analysis.
Neurofeedback training scenarios
ITACA provides three gamified training scenarios. Each of these scenarios presents a different objective, which allows their combination for the design of training protocols of progressive difficulty. In all scenarios the following time parameters can be configured: (i) calibration time for the calculation of the baseline value; (ii) number of scenario trials; (iii) maximum duration of each trial; (iv) rest time between trials.
Mental cube: This scenario is inteded to serve as the user's first contact withe the Neurofeedback technique. It displays a red cube that the user must raise to the top of the screen. The cube will update its vertical position according to the metric value calculated from the reail time analysis. If this value, after baseline correction, is positive, the cube will go up, otherwise it will go down. Therefore, this scenario does not require users to achieve large modulations of their brain activity patterns, but aims to help them find a suitable neurocognitive strategy to start gaining volitional control over these patterns. A threshold parameter can be set to neglect small changes with respect to baseline values.
Trapped spaceship: This scenario is intended to reinforce volitional control of the brain pattern under training. It shows a spaceship immersed in a swamp from which the user must try to get it out. The vertical position of the spaceship is directly proportional to the percentage increase in the value of the training metric with respect to its reference value. The maximum height that the ship can reach is always the same, but the maximum percentage of increase needed to reach that height can be configured. Thus, this scenario makes possible to design a NF training with a progressive difficulty by adjusting the maximum percentage of increase.
Neuro runner: This scenario is also intended to reinforce subjects’ volitional control over their brain activity under training. It shows a foot race against an opponent (a non player character, NPC). The speed of the user’s avatar is directly proportional to the percentage increase in the value of the training metric with respect to its baseline value. Thus, like ”Luke’s spaceship,” this scenario encourages users to maximize the modulation of their brain patterns, but also requires them to maintain it throughout the race. Opponent’s speed can be set to control the difficulty of the scenario. In addition, this scenario has different runner avatars to be selected, both for the player and the opponent NPC.
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