Digit Span test: How many digits are you able to recall?
Tested on MEDUSA© Platform v2024.0
Here we present the computerized version of Digit Span task. This test is broadly applied to assess memory span, which is related to working memory and short-term memory. This app is provided as a evaluation complement of ITACA NF framework.
What does this test consist of?
In the Digit Span test, users are presented with a sequence of digits and have to recall and repeat the sequence. As the user correctly performs the task, the length of the digit sequence increases. Due to the fact that the elements of the sequence are digits, this test can not be affected by factors such as semantics, frequency of appearence in daily life or complexity of the displayed elements.
This application follows a trials and series structure. This is intended to avoid false test results in which users reach a higher memory span than they actually present. Each level (i.e., length of the digit sequence) can be composed of a range between 1 and 3 series. In turn, each series is composed of 3 trials. In order to promote to the next level, users have to correctly complete the task as many times as there are series in the level. Each series is compled when at least 2 of the 3 trials are correctly responded. Therefore, whenever the user fails to respond 2 of the 3 digit sequences of the same series, the test will end and the previous level will be considered as the user's memory span.
What does this implementation include?
The version implemented in MEDUSA© is provided with the following functionalities:
- It is possible to use this app with conjuntion of any type of biosignal device that can be connected to MEDUSA© Platform via LSL. This makes possible to analyze interesting physiological information related to the cognitive processes involved during task performance.
- Relevant session information such as identifier of the user who performed the task, number of run or session can be included in recording file. This is intended to help in subsequent analyses.
- The length of the sequence can take values between 2 and 10. The initial length of the sequence can be chosen at configuration panel. After that, the sequence will be increased by one as the user correctly performs the task.
- The number of the series that compose each level can be chosen at configuration panel and takes values between 1 and 3.
- Noteworthly, this implementation allows 2 different modes: (i) Forward mode in which user will have to respond with the sequence following the same order in which digits were presented; and (ii) Backward mode in which user will have to respond with the sequence following the reverse order in which digits were presented. This latter mode increases the difficulty of the task and relies more upon working memory skills.
- The test can be controlled with either the keyboard or the mouse.